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GPM Mentorship Educator Track

Precipitation Science and Applications in the classroom

Explore a program fostering collaboration between precipitation scientists and educators, all presented in a language that empowers educators in their native tongue.


Program leads: Vasco Mantas (University of Coimbra) & Andrea Portier (NASA/SSAI).


Lead for Italy: Dr. Lisa Milani (NASA/University of Maryland)

Program summary

The Educator Track of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission Mentorship Program is a pioneering initiative dedicated to assisting educators in seamlessly integrating space mission data and information into their classrooms. Our program strives to harmonize satellite concepts with existing curricula, fostering STEM education and Earth Sciences.


The program focuses on key meteorological and climatic datasets, such as GPM satellite precipitation estimates, aiding teachers in crafting engaging lesson plans that incorporate data and visualizations. Furthermore, the program will encourage the development of hands-on, in-school activities to make learning about weather and climate more captivating for students.


The first edition of the Educator Track was implemented in Italy (2023), with a new edition planned to start soon in Italy and Portugal.



Update: Recordings and other resources will be made available soon.



Visit NASA's page on the GPM Mentorship Program Educator Track for more information and resources. 

Coming soon...​


Country/language specific resources



Link to Italian page and registration form coming soon.






Link to Portuguese page and registration form coming soon.

Points of contact for this event:

vasco.mantas /at/ or andrea.m.portier /at /

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