GPM Mentorship 2022
Precipitation Science and Applications
This was a highly successful pilot project designed to support new users from established and underrepresented communities and provide a tailored hands-on learning experience. It provided participants with an overview of state-of-the-art Precipitation Estimates and the first take on GPM applications to support real-world problems.
Program leads: Vasco Mantas (University of Coimbra) & Andrea Portier (NASA/SSAI).
Program summary
Participants were exposed to state-of-the-art topics on precipitation measurement missions, technologies, and applications during 4 theoretical sessions (April 6, 13, 20, 27 2022). The sessions were followed by the development of a capstone project, supervised by a Subject Matter Expert (SME). The project had a duration of 2 months and focused on topics suggested by the mentors and adjusted to the skills and interests of the students.
The outcome of the projects were presented during a final session, which will take place on June 22.
Key facts
Number of participants: 53
Number of countries represented: 25
Number of mentors: 13
Number of capstone projects: 18 in 9 thematic areas
Update: Recordings and other resources will be made available soon.
Agenda and list of speakers (archived)
April 6, 2022 (09.00 am – 11.00 am EST): Speakers: Dr. Jackson Tan (GPM fundamentals and the IMERG product), Andrea Portier (GPM applications), Vasco Mantas (IMERG data access)
April 13, 2022 (09.00 am – 11.00 am EST): DPR, Speakers: Courtney Schumacher, Mircea Grecu, Aaron Funk
April 20, 2022 (10.00 am – 12.00 pm EST): Speakers: Chuntao Liu (Introduction to precipitation feature database from the GPM core and constellation satellite) and Pierre Kirstetter (Calibration/Validation of precipitation estimates)
April 27, 2022 (09.00 am – 11.00 am EST): Mircea Grecu (Precipitation extremes II), Zhong Liu (NASA precipitation products and services), Dorian Janney (Communicating and educating with IMERG)
Speakers and mentors (in alphabetic order):
Dr. Aaron Funk (Texas A&M University)
Andrea Portier (NASA/SSAI)
Dr. Chuntao Liu (Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi)
Dr. Courtney Schumacher (Texas A&M University)
Dorian Janney (NASA)
Dr. Jackson Tan (NASA)
Dr. Joe Turk (NASA)
Dr. Mircea Grecu (NASA)
Dr. Pierre Kistetter (University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology / NOAA)
Dr. Vasco Mantas (University of Coimbra)
Dr. Yagmur Derin (University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology)
Dr. Zhong Liu (George Mason University and NASA)